Earth Taken 2

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Game Bugs

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İzlenmeler 947
Kaydedilen 437
Boyut 9.92 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 768
Uzunluk 432
Yıldızlar 4

Earth Taken 2 is a post-apocalyptic action shooter game where you are the sole survivor of a car crash. You have lost all of your equipment except for a combat knife and a few gas mask filters.

Arrow keys to move / aim
    Space key to Interact / throw enemies
    A key to shoot
    S key to jump
    S key + S key to double jump
    R key to reload
    Q key to switch weapons
    E key to eat food rations
    P key or ESC key to pause and in-game menu
    (You can change the controls for WASD keys in the options menu)

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