Feed Britney

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Game Bugs

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İzlenmeler 93
Kaydedilen 363
Boyut 1003 K
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 4
The objective is to arrange three or more similar food items in the middle yellow bar. By doing so, these items will be removed from the playing...

The objective is to arrange three or more similar food items in the middle yellow bar. By doing so, these items will be removed from the playing field. Within the time available, create enough food matches to satisfy Britneys' hunger. The Satisfaction bar on the right will display your progress at all times. Britney gets hungry fast, so if you don't continue to feed her, she will lose weight rapidly!

Left key or Right key to move ring.
Up key or Down key to move food columns.
Space key to shift all food to the left.

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