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İzlenmeler 309
Kaydedilen 429
Boyut 3.21 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 4
Hacked: +1000 bonus litres of blood. Also type in the cheats menu:Big Piranhas: SVWG Invincible Piranhas: CIKA Piranha Gang: HUTR Fully Upgraded:...

Hacked: +1000 bonus litres of blood. Also type in the cheats menu:
Big Piranhas: SVWG Invincible Piranhas: CIKA Piranha Gang: HUTR Fully Upgraded: YDOL Move Fast: XUOK Slow Motion Alligator: PUKV

The deadly piranha is back and hungrier than ever! This time around you must complete objectives such as eating certain targets or more challenging combinations. Complete all objectives to get to the top of the food chain.

Get to the top of the food chain by completing challenging objectives.


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