Feed Us 4: Xmas Xpension Hacked

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İzlenmeler 65
Kaydedilen 351
Boyut 5.92 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 800
Uzunluk 440
Yıldızlar 4
Hacked: Type in the cheats menu: Invincible: CHAIN, Extra meat in water: MEAT, Eat victims in one bite: BITE, + 200 000 litres of blood: BLOOD, Be...

Hacked: Type in the cheats menu: Invincible: CHAIN, Extra meat in water: MEAT, Eat victims in one bite: BITE, + 200 000 litres of blood: BLOOD, Be the monster fish: FISH, Boost anywhere anytime: BOOST

Get ready for this icy version of our bloody serie! This Expesion contains 10 new missions. The fourth game in the action series gives you even more flesh off the bone. A new plot with a new map, more dangerous obstacles to avoid, treasures to find, but most importantly; much more humans to devour!

Mouse to move, left mouse button to boost or attack.

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