Holly Hobbie Dollhouse

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İzlenmeler 108119
Kaydedilen 644
Boyut 1.18 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 4
Pick out the furniture and design of your dreams with the Dream ’n Style Dollhouse game! Holly has invited you to check out her new dollhouse!...

Pick out the furniture and design of your dreams with the Dream ’n Style Dollhouse game! Holly has invited you to check out her new dollhouse! She even lets you decorate it according to your very own style! What would your dream bedroom, living room, or even bathroom look like? Enjoy the beautiful colorful, whimsical setting and the upbeat music. It will surely relax you while you're trying your hand at interior design!

Use mouse to play.

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