Power Pamplona

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İzlenmeler 786633
Kaydedilen 1043
Boyut 493.09 K
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 3
Power Pamplona is one of the best running and jumping games you will ever get to find in our category of Friv 2018 Games, where right now we are very...

Power Pamplona is one of the best running and jumping games you will ever get to find in our category of Friv 2018 Games, where right now we are very happy to be able to share this game with you all, since we know that there are not that many websites out there that have this game, so this is going to be a fresh and new experience for many of our visitors, who come to our website exactly because they know that they are able to find such games here.

Left key right key to run.
Up key or Space key to jump.

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