Red Ball 1 (A10 Version)

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İzlenmeler 129163
Kaydedilen 757
Boyut 867.62 K
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 4
In the game "Red Ball 1" there are many dangerous and exciting adventures waiting for you. The protagonist of the game and your character will be a...

In the game "Red Ball 1" there are many dangerous and exciting adventures waiting for you. The protagonist of the game and your character will be a fearless red ball. This little daredevil will have to go through a lot of trials to get to the finish line of the game. You must help the red ball to get to the destination safely, avoiding all sorts of traps and obstacles, which will be in abundance. In addition to the usual chasms and spikes, the red ball will be hampered by concrete balls, huge presses, swinging axes, moving platforms and more. To save you need to get to the red flag and when you lose, you can start again from the save point. Enjoy the game!

Arrow key to move.
R key to restart.
P key to pause.
Esc key to quit.

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