Rogue Soul

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Game Bugs

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İzlenmeler 245681
Kaydedilen 1227
Boyut 5.25 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 800
Uzunluk 600
Yıldızlar 3
All the thieves have their reputation. Once you are walking down the street and you find out that the authorities will pay money to people who catch...

All the thieves have their reputation. Once you are walking down the street and you find out that the authorities will pay money to people who catch you. The reward is, however, not as high as you would wish, so you have to do everything you can to become an even better thief. Steal valuable things and get your reputation back!

Arrow keys to move.
F key to slide.
D key to parachute.
G key to dagger.

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