Super Mario Flash

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Game Bugs

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İzlenmeler 298268
Kaydedilen 948
Boyut 2.15 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 480
Yıldızlar 3
In Super Mario Flash, you have to control a tiny Mario plumber. Your main task is to defeat the enemy along the way, overcome obstacles, collect...

In Super Mario Flash, you have to control a tiny Mario plumber. Your main task is to defeat the enemy along the way, overcome obstacles, collect coins. You can also find many secret things, use acceleration and find secret levels with lots of coins. You can find many typical game elements such as mushrooms, flowers with special powers and opponents.

Arrow keys to move.
Up key to jump
Down key to crouch
Space key to enter or fireballs
B key to overworld menu

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