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İzlenmeler 149
Kaydedilen 393
Boyut 4.64 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 800
Uzunluk 440
Yıldızlar 4
Hacked: Type in the cheats menu: Add 50 blood: BLOOD, Next level: NEXT, Always rainy: RAIN, Always sunny: SUN, Fully upgraded: BEAST, Maximum weight:...

Hacked: Type in the cheats menu: Add 50 blood: BLOOD, Next level: NEXT, Always rainy: RAIN, Always sunny: SUN, Fully upgraded: BEAST, Maximum weight: HEAVY

Yes, the piranha is back with a bigger appetite. This action trilogy offers new challenging objectives, with several new obstacles. You now have to watch out for sea monsters, the great white shark and electrifying jelly fish! As an achievement you can also collect treasur chests, that will give extra time to attain your objectives. Plunge into this funny and addicting game and enjoy the bloody action.

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