Mighty Knight 2

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İzlenmeler 15777
Kaydedilen 815
Boyut 27.88 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 800
Uzunluk 550
Yıldızlar 3
In Mighty Knight 2, use arcade controls to smash buttons on your keyboard to battle monsters. This game features great artwork and the control system...

In Mighty Knight 2, use arcade controls to smash buttons on your keyboard to battle monsters. This game features great artwork and the control system only allows one button to be pressed at a time, giving the game an arcade cabinet sense to it. There are many stages to unlock and upgrades to find in Mighty Knight 2.

ARROW keyse or  WASD keys to move.
J key to attack.
K key L key to skills.
SPACE key to switch character.

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