Mighty Boy v2.1.0

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Game Bugs

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İzlenmeler 64
Kaydedilen 179
Boyut 71.08 M
Uzantı .SWF
Genişlik 640
Uzunluk 360
Yıldızlar 4
Mighty Guy is about to become one of the most endearing platform-adventure games with running and jumping to have been added to our website, a game...

Mighty Guy is about to become one of the most endearing platform-adventure games with running and jumping to have been added to our website, a game that is a bit on the older side, but it is still really charming, mainly because it is set in the world of a sketchbook, with the title character being a cute little stick figure, but one that will not stop at anything to help those in trouble!

WASD keys to move.
Hold P key to run.

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